Saturday, March 27, 2010


Don't hide your broken pieces. It is like duct tapping cardboard over your broken car window. Share your broken pieces and let God turn them into a beautiful mosaic. Your test is your testimony. Feeding the multitudes: take it, break it, & give it away.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Life Goals (updated 3/22/10)

1. Prayer together every morning at 6:00am
2. Read Bible daily
3. 1 Christian book per month (do a marriage book or Bible study weekly)
4. Pray every night with family
5. Meaningful relationships (have a Paul, Barnabas, & Timothy)
6. Involved in ministry
7. Give 15%, save 15%
8. 1 yr expenses in bank (cash)
9. Diversified investments (real estate, stocks, other)
10. Work out daily, best shape of life
11. Flexibility, freedom and finances to spend 1mo/yr in WA, 1mo/yr in Ventura, & 1mo/yr traveling
12. Joel: learning, systemizing, teaching (coaching, writing)
13. Rece: singing, ministering to women, creative (art, beauty, writing stories)